Friday, May 1, 2009


Honey..I took a lot of shit from its my turn..and you have no idea how good Iam...

Honey..your smile is so sweet..It's sad it doesn't hide who you really are.. stab my back and smile in my can keep the knife..but please remove the smile..

Honey..I have trying hard to see the good in you...but what the good in large pile of crab..

Honey..i was ready to give all me..but i think it was too much for you..

Honey..I would have faught the whole world for..But it would be a lost case..

Honey..Things I said to you were never said to anyone..But I never know why you didn't see it..

honey..Thanks for making it so easy to hate you..

Honey...I just can't look at you the way I used to..

honey...did not only throw my love away...but also you can't stop saying wrong stuff about me.. were never honest..not even as a friend..